TikTok hashtag challenge: #BossIt2021 and #SageTellMe


/// Created at Sage

Winner ‘Best Use of TikTok’, for the #BossIt2021 Challenge Biddable Awards 2021

Shortlisted for ‘Best use of Social Media and Influencer Marketing’ and ‘Best Consumer Engagement Initiative’ at the 2021 B2B Marketing Awards in November.

Our own in-house creative and social teams took up the baton, developing the Boss-it rallying cry for social channels including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and the world’s first-ever B2B TikTok Challenge. We asked TikTokers to show us how they were bossing 2021 for the chance to win a £5,000 home workspace makeover. The opportunity to share something positive after the year that was 2020 struck a chord, and 1.3 million people took us up on it, creating content that has so far generated 8.2 billion views. To build on this we’ve just run a second challenge, #SageTellMe, asking bosses to tell us they’re a small business without telling us they’re a small business. This generated another 3 billion views and over 420 million engagements, leaving any outdated perceptions of corporate stagnation even further behind and putting everyone in the mood for more fun conversations in future. And to ensure a seamless campaign experience at every touchpoint, we bossed demand comms and the landing page experience, and embraced the Boss-it ethos internally, with Sage colleagues from sales to support immersing themselves in campaign insights to own customer service end to end.

From the word go we were blown away by the response. Before launch, TikTok had told us we could expect maybe 250,000 views. Never in our wildest dreams did we anticipate over 8 billion. During the Super Bowl weekend we trended higher than the Super Bowl. For us, it was confirmation that we ran a celebration campaign at just the right time: people appreciated the shout-out and valued having something positive to share after the year that was 2020. The campaign has exceeded all our objectives for brand awareness and engagement, and we’re delighted.

Key stats:

#Bossit2021 TikTok challenge 

  • 8.2bn impressions to date

  • 1.3m challenge videos created, achieving over 3m views

  • Sage branded video generated 29m views, 600m impressions, and 200k profile engagements

  • Sage TV ad on profile page viewed over 27m times

  • 15 PR articles sparked by the campaign

  • 1st place in TikTok brand lift study (30% uplift)

  • 2m direct traffic visits to our Sage Advice business blog site

#SageTellMe TikTok challenge                                                                                                

  • 3bn views to date

  • 420m engagements, including likes, comments, and shares

  • Accompanying standard ads over-delivered by 19% against the 36m-impression goal 

  • @sageuki follower count increased by 10.4k

  • 244m unique users reached                                                                 

"Our Boss It campaign is all about helping small businesses to take control; control of their finances, their businesses, their futures. Over the last 16 months that has been a challenge for many, but we have been truly inspired by the resilience and creativity that UK small business have shown. This campaign was created to celebrate that, and through our partnership with TikTok in particular we wanted to provide a platform for these businesses to tell and celebrate their stories, in their own words, with their own personalities.

We are extremely proud to be the first B2B company to utilise TikTok and for achieving 8.2bn views and over 1 million participants with the #Bossit2021 challenge. Most importantly though we're very happy to have given small businesses a voice.”

Kirsty Waller, VP Marketing, Sage UK & Ireland


Brand campaign: Boss it


Brand campaign: New Tomorrow's start today